Make Your Reality Count

Every word, every thought, every look is a lie. Everything you know, or will learn, will be a lie, everything is fantasy. Reality is fantasy, a bunch of people pretending. Nothing more, nothing less. Why be anything else.

Jun 3, 2011

Spring Clean and a discussion with myself

With every spring comes that pain in the ass excuse parents give children as an excuse to why they are being put to work so intensely but as a mother I get it now, Good ole spring cleaning time. I woke up this morning to find instead of two plugged nostrils I have a runny nose and replacing my sore throat is an itch and a cough (mustn't forget the fucked up shoulder because I sleep stupidly) but none the less I woke up to a windy day, and a messy messy apartment. Now as a mother I am more then aware that my mess is probably far less a mess then most people, as I've become quite obsessive person on the cleanliness of this apartment, whatever though, besides the point.Today I understand spring cleaning. it is woman's (or mans) excuse to de-clutter, mass overhaul clean and do it all without seeming like a freak.
Today this is my mission, from scrubbing the shower to washing the patio window, sorting through that room we call storage to if I feel so inclined bathing the cats. But as I am thinking about all the shit I am going to accomplish in min 1 hour max 3 (nap time of a certain girl) I keep thinking of other shit to do like de-clutter my laptop, and sort my books, and that brings me to the main reason of this post is de-clutter and minimize my spce on the interwebz. *sigh* how does one do that though. One , being me, that is attached to things to easily. for instance I have an account here .. clearly, with two blogs, and 3 or 4 deleted ones that i cant fully delete, and I also use tumblr with three blogs there now, I can bring myeslf to delete the one side one off here but not the main, or the two sides off tumblr but again not the main.

Whatever shannon. what is your issue, would you liek atissue to sweetheart. yes in fact i would the problem lies in that i don't want two blogs I want one. this on is the easiest to delete but......I LIKE THIS OVER TUMBLR FML. yeah and i follow some cool ass shit on tumblr but i would forever feel the need to update that one and this one and I can't do it.

whatever shannon your wasting time now. your procrastinating. go clean you house...

that is all for now. tootles. and maybe I'll take pics when I'm done haha or not

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