Make Your Reality Count

Every word, every thought, every look is a lie. Everything you know, or will learn, will be a lie, everything is fantasy. Reality is fantasy, a bunch of people pretending. Nothing more, nothing less. Why be anything else.

Jun 7, 2011

Busy day and its not even 10

It is 8:54am and yup I am awake. Say HUH!?!!?!? I know right. If you know me you know I barely drag my ass out of bed at 9 just to tell my daughter to go back to bed for 30 more minutes. and yet............I am awake to hear her knocking away on her door and instead of sending her back to bed I am prepping breakfast for her, not even the typical sippy cup of milk and a bowl of dry cereal or a bun and banana, nah super mom has bacon and scrambled eggs and all that nice stuff on the go. I have been awake since 5:30 this morning. What for you ask ?!?! Well to clean my entire apartment spotless before lunch time.
My mother was going to come in today, pick me and Phoebe up and we were going to head out and get some crap done that she needed to do. I wouldnt have minded her seeing a bit of a mess but now I find out late last night that my step dad is coming in with her too !! SHIT!!!!!!!!!!! so yes i have been up cleaning since 5:30 (it wasnt that messy I finished beefore 8 except Phoebes room and the vacuuming but those are now on the list. then to clean up breakie dishes and get dressed and VOILA!
is it nap time yet ??? I honestly hate days like this where everything is done before 10 am now the rest of my day is going to be .....blech !!


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