Make Your Reality Count

Every word, every thought, every look is a lie. Everything you know, or will learn, will be a lie, everything is fantasy. Reality is fantasy, a bunch of people pretending. Nothing more, nothing less. Why be anything else.

Jul 6, 2011

If I Blogged every time....

I was irritated there would be a great many rants on here, and If I had a dollar for every time I got irritated I would be a fucking millionaire. But I'm not and I don't...except for tonight.

Maybe its the almost 30 degree weather outside, or the almost 40 degree weather inside, or the kids outside that run around screaming and yelling, without parental supervision, and in clear disregard of  a notice handed out to all residents of the West winds Village. Or it could be the movie that I really dislike that we have already seen, or maybe just maybe it's my total and utter disgust for humanity at this very moment.

It's ironic before I get into what's irritating me, I should mention that what has happened Matt and his dad predicted only a few hours ago and I shook it off, no way would that happen...and it has.

The royal couple is in Calgary this weekend for the stampede, and the city of Calgary was giving away free wristbands to see them. Did you notice the word in bold?? No?!? okay I will emphasize it some more for you FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE. 
Okay we all got that right?? no need to emphasize anymore?? Okay good! Here is now the sick and twisted part, people went and got these FREE bands and are now selling them online for as low as 75$ per band and some I've seen as high as $150 per band. Where is the common sense and sense of ...............anything!!! Seriously this is ridiculous. This is a piss off, an outrage!! Don't believe me??? go to Kijiji and go to Calgary and then go to the tickets section under buy and sell and check it out!!

On a brighter note enough is enough and kids playing street hockey in a parking lot screaming like idiots at 9:30 at night is stupid I can deal with kids screaming all day but at night too...nuuuu thank you. enough is enough and I've made a call to report that idiocy.

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